Blue's Clues is an American live-action/animated educational children's series that debuted on air on Nick Jr. on September 8th, 1996. The show follows a format in which Blue, a blue-spotted dog, leaves distinct blue paw prints for her owner (Steve, played by Steve Burns, later Joe played by Donovan Patton, latest Josh played by Josh Dela Cruz), and viewers in order to figure out her plans for the day. Blue's Clues quickly became the highest-rated children's television series on American television and was a massive impact on the growth of Nickelodeon. The original series ended on August 6th, 2006, and would go on to be quoted as "one of the most successful, critically acclaimed, and ground-breaking preschool television series of all time."[1]
The show was critically acclaimed for its use of combined concepts from child development and early-childhood education with innovative, yet simple innovation. The show was the first of many to use cutout animation, with much of the characters and backgrounds being made to resemble construction paper and a children's storybook through is primary colors and simple shapes.
A spin-off series debuted on August 2nd 2004, entitled Blue's Room. The series followed Blue, now a puppet capable of speech, as she went about her everyday activities and made new friends.
The series was given a reboot in November 2019 with a new series, titled Blue's Clues & You!. The reboot followed much of the same format as the original, and now featured the characters in computer animation with new host, Josh Dela Cruz.
History with the Macy's Parade[]
Blue Balloon (1999-2002)[]
Blue's Clues made its Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade debut in 1999, taking to the streets of NYC with a giant balloon and accompanying Parade float. The giant balloon was based on the series' titular happy-go-lucky dog, Blue. The debut of the Blue balloon marked the second time in Parade history that Nickelodeon had a balloon in the likeness of a cartoon character, following behind the Rugrats balloon’s 1997 Parade debut.
Commenting on the balloon's debut, Ruth Sarlin, senior vice president for brands at Nickelodeon, said "It is a significant out-of-pocket expense," referring to the $280,000 that was paid to have the Blue balloon appear in the Parade. "As a promotional expense, I wouldn't call it a bargain, but it is an extremely good value, a good investment."[2]
The Blue balloon measures 41 feet tall, 63 feet long, 32 feet wide and requires over 15,000 cubic feet of helium to help the 500-pound pooch fly down the streets of New York City. The balloon's design features Blue reaching out her left paw, presenting her iconic blue pawprint to the millions of spectators lining the Parade route, hoping to play a game of "Blue's Clues."
Blue's Clues Mini-Float (1999-2002)[]
Blue's Clues was also represented by a mini float starting in 1999. The float, in the shape of a giant "Blue's Clues" pawprint, featured many of Blue's friends including Mailbox, Slippery Soap, Tickety Tock sitting amongst a pumpkin patch, Shovel and Pail collecting fall-colored leaves and Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper and Paprika preparing a basket of cranberries for the Thanksgiving feast. Overlooking the festivities is the show's host, Steve, sitting in the show's iconic "Thinking Chair".
The float returned in the 2000 parade, with Blue's new neighborhood kitten Periwinkle being added to the mixture of characters.
In the 2001 parade, the float promoted the live theatrical touring show Blue's Clues Live! - Blue's Big Birthday; featuring the walk-around versions of Tickety Tock and Magenta (the former replaced the statue version, while the latter replaced Periwinkle) in addition to Steve. However, Steve Burns did not feature on the float, instead; Roger Kraus, who portrayed Steve in the live show at the time, appeared as the character.
In 2002, with the addition of new host Joe, Donovan Patton rode on the float as the character. The figures of Tickety Tock and Periwinkle were added back to the float.
Both the Blue balloon and Blue's Clues float were retired after the 2002 Parade, making four appearances in total. The figures of Mr. Salt, Mrs. Pepper and Paprika are currently on display in the Macy's Parade Studio's cafeteria.[3]
Blue's Clues & You! (2019-2022)[]
Seventeen years after the retirement of the original Blue's Clues unit, Nickelodeon would sponsor a brand-new Blue's Clues parade float in the 2019 Parade in promotion of the series' reboot, Blue's Clues & You!. The float showcases a 22-foot-tall inflatable Blue figure, whose paw is covered in 13 pounds of glitter as it shines and shimmers down the Parade route. The show's host, Josh Dela Cruz, appeared on the float on Thanksgiving Day and waved to the show's many fans.
Commenting on the float's debut, Jordan Dabby, producer of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, (also commenting on the new SpongeBob SquarePants & Gary balloon) said "The Macy’s Parade is thrilled to welcome back two fan favorites with the return of our porous pal SpongeBob SquarePants for his 15th flight down the streets of Manhattan, this year with his beloved pet snail Gary along for the ride; and the iconic pup Blue returning to the Parade line-up after more than a decade with a brand-new float celebrating the upcoming series Blue’s Clues & You!. Nickelodeon and the Macy’s Parade are synonymous with great family entertainment, and we are thrilled to extend that long-time partnership with the new additions of these two beloved characters to the Thanksgiving celebration.”[4]
The Blue's Clues & You! float returned to the line of march for the reimagined 2020 Parade, now being joined by popstar Ally Brooke, who had previously appeared on the "Bluestock" episode of the series.
The Blue's Clues & You! float appeared for a third time in the 2021 Parade, celebrating the 25th anniversary milestone of the Blue's Clues franchise. Joining in on the fun was the show's three hosts - Josh, Joe, and Steve - as they skidoo their way along the streets of New York City.[5]
In 2022, the Blue's Clues & You! float returned for its final Parade appearance with an updated look that included the 22-foot-tall Blue wearing an 'I "Paw" New York' t-shirt, atop a float inspired by the look and feel of the Paramount+ original movie, Blue's Big City Adventure.
Guest Stars[]
Listed below are the guest stars that have performed/appeared on the Blue's Clues float, alongside the respective songs which they sang during the NBC Telecast.
- 1999-2000 - Steve Burns
- 2001 - Roger Kraus (as Steve)
- 2002 - Donovan Patton (as Joe)
- 2019 - Josh Dela Cruz (as Josh), sang "What I Like About Blue"
- 2020 - Ally Brooke, sang "We Are A Family"
- 2021 - Steve Burns (as Steve), Donovan Patton (as Joe) and Josh Dela Cruz (as Josh), sang "You Can’t Spell Blue without YOU"
- 2022 - Josh Dela Cruz (as Josh), sang "On Our Way!"
See also[]
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