Dinotopia is a television miniseries based on the imaginative writings of James Gurney. The series follows two opposing half-brothers as they find themselves stranded on Dinotopia, an island where humans and dinosaurs coexist in harmony. It was co-produced by Hallmark Entertainment and Walt Disney Television, and aired in installments of The Wonderful World of Disney in May 2002 on ABC. The series won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Special Visual Effects for a Miniseries, Movie or a Special, and later spawned a television series that aired from November 2002 until August 2003.
History with the Macy's Parade[]
Dinotopia was represented by a float that made its debut in the 2001 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The Dinotopia float depicts Waterfall City, the Capital of Dinotopia where dinosaurs roam freely. Zipeau, the academic stenonychosaurus who speaks English and uses reading glasses, and 26, the adorable baby chasmosaurus, were both a part of the mystical float.
Sponsored by Hallmark Entertainment, the float measured 40 feet long, 22 feet wide, and 26 feet tall, and was escorted by 16 Waterfall City citizens and 20 Waterfall City students. The Dinotopia float made two appearances, and was retired after the 2002 Parade.
Though the float was eventually disposed of, a dinosaur figure from the float remained at Macy’s Parade Studio until 2011.[1]
Guest Stars[]
Listed below are the guest stars that have performed/appeared on the Dinotopia float, alongside the respective songs which they sang during the NBC telecast.
- 2001 - Joey McIntyre, sang "NYC Girls"
- 2002 - Lee Ann Womack, sang "The Season for Romance"