Extraordinary Noorah is a fictional character from The Lumistella Company's "Santaverse," an enchanted world featuring characters from Elf on the Shelf, Elf Pets, and Elf Mates. She first appeared in the animated holiday special, Elf Pets: A Fox Cub's Christmas Tale on Netflix in 2019, and starred in her own book, Extraordinary Noorah: Santa's Magical Arctic Fox in 2023.
The book tells the story of Noorah—an arctic fox from the North Pole who is one of Santa Claus' oldest friends—and her discontentment with being normal. She soon discovers her magical ability to pause time, coat rooftops with snow, turn her dreams into gifts, and spark the Northern Lights, which she uses to help Santa make an extraordinary Christmas Eve journey around the world.
History with the Macy's Parade[]
Extraordinary Noorah will make her debut as a giant balloon in the 2024 Parade, celebrating the world debut of the Santaverse and signifying The Lumistella Company’s first new balloon since the Elf on the Shelf in 2012.[1]
The balloon will feature Noorah along with her Scout Elf chasing the Northern Lights along the streets of New York City, measuring 66 feet (or 22 arctic foxes) long.
- ↑ aNb Media. "The Lumistella Company Returns to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with New Balloon." aNb Media, Inc. May 22, 2024.