The Bugaloos is an American children's television series, produced by brothers Sid and Marty Krofft, that aired on NBC on Saturday mornings from 1970 to 1972. Reruns of the show aired in daily syndication from 1978 to 1985 as part of the "Krofft Superstars" package with six other Krofft series. The show features a musical group composed of four British teenagers in insect-themed outfits, constantly beset by the evil machinations of the talent-challenged Benita Bizarre, played by comedian Martha Raye.
History with the Macy's Parade[]
The Bugaloos made their Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade debut in the 1970 NBC Pre-Parade show, to promote the show of the same name which had debuted that past September. The four main characters of the show (I.Q., Harmony, Courage, and Joy) rode in their "Bugaloo Buggy", a colorful dune buggy custom made for the show by car builder George Barris. The Bugaloos made their only appearance in the 1970 Pre Parade show, and have yet to be represented in the Parade again.