Tom and Jerry: The Movie is an live-action/animated comedy film based on the Tom and Jerry animated media franchise, created by Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It was released in theatres and on HBO Max simultaneously on February 26, 2021. The film was produced by Warner Animation Group, directed by Tim Story, written by Kevin Costello and features the talent of Chloë Grace Moretz, Michael Peña, Ken Jeong and Rob Delaney.
The film follows the legendary rivalry as Jerry moves into New York City's finest hotel on the eve of the wedding of the century, forcing a desperate event planner to hire Tom to get rid of him. As mayhem ensues, the escalating cat-and-mouse battle soon threatens to destroy her career, the wedding, and possibly the hotel itself.
History with the Macy's Parade[]
Tom and Jerry made their Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade debut in 1992, when costumed characters of Tom and Jerry would appear as a means of promoting the recently released Tom and Jerry movie.
28 years later, Tom and Jerry would get their own float for the 2020 Parade. The classic duo showcased their famous brand of comic chaos with a brand-new, eye-popping float. The float, titled "Tom & Jerry's Tourist Trap", was designed and brought to life by the artists and magicians of the Macy's Parade Studio.
The hilarious and engaging float features animatronics, as well as smoke and other effects, to spoof city life by throwing Tom into a series of wild squash-and-stretch sight gags the likes of which have entertained audiences everywhere. Among the indignities Tom endures are run-ins with a steamroller, a truck, a deceptively innocent-looking pretzel stand and a sewer gator. Tom even inflates like a mini Parade balloon as Jerry, ever the instigator, flies above the pandemonium in a drone helicopter.
The float itself, a casualty of the endless mayhem, lurch and limped along 34th Street, with a specially-wrapped RAM Truck made to represent the fictitious "Jerry's Tow" company. The bounty of boundless mayhem travelled along the street to the tune of "Tom and Jerry Arrive," an original score written for the film by Christopher Lennertz.
The "Tom & Jerry's Tourist Trap" float was retired after only one appearance, and was subsequently disposed of the following year.